1677-1686. Blue route: In the service of God
In 1677 Steensen was appointed bishop and sent as apostolic vicar to northern Germany and Scandinavia. He served in Hanover from 1677-1680, in Münster from 1680-1683, in Hamburg from 1683-1685, and in Schwerin in 1686. These various postings involving untiring work for the Church, were stepping stones on the path to purity in faith, humility and brotherly love.
Niels Steensen died on November 25, 1686, 48 years old. At the request of Grand Duke Cosimo III, Niels Steensen’s coffin was transported from Schwerin to Hamburg, and from there by ship to Livorno. He lies interred in Florence, in San Lorenzo, the parish church of the Medici family.