Search the Bibliographia Nicolai Stenonis

Bibliographia Nicolai Stenonis is an online bibliography based on Michael Jensen’s Bibliographia Nicolai Stenonis (1986).  Jensen’s bibliography was converted to a bibliographic database by The Royal Library, Copenhagen. Additions to the Steensen Archives have been included in this database. You can search the bibliography using the search box below.

Search the Steensen bibliography

Any material found in this bibliographic database is available at The Archivum Nicolai Stenonis, also known as the Steensen Archive,  the world’s most comprehensive reference collection of literature on or by Niels Steensen. The archive is located in Copenhagen.

Our mission statement:
•    To acquire and preserve all written works by and about Niels Steensen, either in original or in facsimile
•    To create the basis for the continued updating of  Bibliographia Nicolai Stenonis
•    To provide Steensen researchers with copies of difficult to find Steensen literature
•    To provide facilities for studying the Archive’s collection.

The Archive is located on the premises of the Sankt Andreas Bibliotek, Gl. Kongevej 15, Copenhagen, Denmark, and is open during the library’s opening hours.