Collect for the feast of blessed Niels Steensen

Collect for the feast of blessed Niels Steensen

This is the collect for the feast day of Niels Steensen, November 25th:

Entry verse: 1 Sam 2:35
I shall raise up a faithful priest, who shall act according to what is in my heart and in my mind.

Collect / Prayer of the day
God, you have caused the blessed bishop Niels
To wonder at the beauty of your creation
and draw his strength from the cross of your Son.
Grant at his intercession that we,
Who are still pilgrims upon this earth,
May follow Christ, the one Shepherd
And come to gaze upon your countenance in heaven.
With our Lord Jesus Christ…

Prayer over the gifts
Lord, look in your mercy upon us
Who celebrate this feast for blessed Niels,
And let us attain grace through this sacrifice,
Which you have brought
For the redemption of the sins of the world.
Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Communion verse:
John 21:17
Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.

Concluding prayer:
Lord God, let this sacrament which we have received,
Nourish the fire of love within us,
Which filled blessed Niels with ardour
and made him constantly devote himself
entirely to your Church.
Through Christ our Lord.

The readings at the mass for his feast day are usually:

Sirach 7:5-15
Responsorial psalm: 139:1+6,13-18
Matt 6: 24-33