Named in honour of Steno
By Elsebeth Thomsen When a new species of a living organism or a fossil is found it is described and named according to international rules. A name may be based on morphological characters, related to the locality where it was…

Dissections by the Royal Anatomist
By Troels Kardel During his sojourn in Copenhagen as Royal Anatomist 1672-74 Steno performed a number of dissections. The best known is his public dissection of a female corpse in the university’s Theatrum Anatomicum preceded by his inaugural address, the…

Extra material, new edition of Scherz’s biography of Steensen
In 2013 Springer Verlag published an English translation of 34 scientific works by Niels Steensen and volume one of Gustav Scherz’s seminal biography of Steensen (1987). This edition was edited and translated by Troels Kardel and Paul Maquet. Extra material…

Guidelines for readers of the scientific papers by Niels Stensen
By Troels Kardel, MD Stensen’s active life in research lasted from 1660 to 1674. His 34 scientific works fall into two main categories: the anatomical works and the geological works. 33 of these were collected and edited in Nicolai Stenonis…